Help Support our Troops — Shop Announcement!

*****—– New Shop Announcement! —–*****
For every hat I sell until November I will make an additional hat and send them to our troops who will need them in the coming colder months!!
So buy a hat or spread the word!!

Giveaway Thursday, apparently!haha

First off…. this shop is gorgeous: I want just about everything.
I love the Silver Swallow Earrings, Rose Bouquet  Necklace, Orange Hibiscus Necklace, and the Dragonfly Garden Necklace.

So at the Etsy Finds & Giveaways Blog I found a fantastic giveaway from the above shop!! I hope you all go check it out, or at least check out the shop! I do have a birthday coming soon…. 😉  j/j!

Apron Giveaway!

Take a look at this link:

It’s an apron giveaway! But be sure to take a look at SugarPieChic’s shop… she has some great great aprons!!
My favorite:

Coming Soon!

I have a few things working up in my little shop of horrors.
I’ve experimented with a few designs and I hope to have pictures tomorrow or the next day.
Can’t wait, stay tuned to this blog and

In other news one of my good friends just opened up her own Etsy site!!
Check out LewZilla’s shop at:

She offers some really great hand sewn project bags, AWESOME(because I own one) ribbon bookmarks andsome fabulous stitch markers.
Take a look! 🙂

May is Crochet Month!

Or so it seems for me!

I’ve been having fun making these really pretty slouchy hats with a flower design in the center. They are really fun to make, I was surprised.  They also look stellar on.  Here are some pictures of the ones I’ve made so far:

This is my first time adding pictures, so I hope it works.  The pink one is a bit bigger than the blue one… but the blue one is soooo gorgeous. Talk about a great color!  My friend Inoxia bought it and I hope she loves it!

I’ve never really worn slouchy hats before, but I think it’s time I tried. I need to make myself one! Maybe in some of that blue yarn. 😉

In other crochet news I finally finished Skye’s bag… she’s going to kill me! I had such a hard time finding a pretty button! In the end, however, I did. My Grandma gave me a whole bucket full of old buttons she’s collected over the years. I’ll take pictures tomorrow and upload them for all to see.  It turned out cute!

I do have some bags to show, actually. They are just like the one I made Skye just different colors.  It’s a great design from a very, very, very nice woman I met on Ravelry. Here is her site, Mamachee.  And this is the pattern I used.

Ok so posting pictures isn’t as easy as I’d like. 😛  I just want to move them over!haha  I gues I’ll have to add more text when I do pictures so that they have some space and can wrap and what not. So those are the bags! I haven’t figured out the handles for the white and gold nautical bag, but I’d love to add some navy blue to it.

It’s time for bed now though…. so sleepy!  Hopefully I’ll have more fun things to show you soon. 🙂

Take Note:

I do not claim to know how to write well. I do not claim to have anything interesting or witty to say, but it is all I’ve got. I’m in the process of starting up my own Etsy shop. I’m a crocheter who is trying to spread what I love doing all around. 🙂  I also don’t know exactly what I’m going to say here. I’ll probably talk about what I’m working on, how it’s going and how much my hand hurts. I’ll occasionaly talk about how mean my cat is, and then how strangly nice she is…. you know… that ONE day.  I’ve recently gone through a very hard time with the passing of my Father, so I’m sure that will come up. And also all the good things going on. 🙂  There are lots of those things!

Stick around! Good things to come… just like I said!